Tuesday 4 November 2014

Quick & Easy Autumnal Nails

Following on from my last post, these nails are an easier alternative and something fun and relatable to Autumn. I chose to involve warm colours, like the deep pink, along with the basics of black and white. The black nail varnish was in fact from a set of nail art pens and polishes called 'Igzo Nail Design.'

Again, Kyoung-Hwa kindly did my nails for me, but these can be achieved by almost anyone.

She firstly did two coats on each nail of each colour, and for the ring finger started off with a simple plain white coat.

Because Kyoung is a nail artist it was easy for her to paint the black stripes with the same black varnish used on the thumb and a normal sized nail varnish brush. However, if you aren't too confident with doing nail art (I know I'm not) then there are a lot of tools or nail art pens that you can buy that make doing things like stripes really easy and simple to do.

To finish she did a final coat of 'Rimmels Nail Rescue Varnish' to hold the colour and make my nails stronger. I used to forget this step when doing my nails, but I find now that it is really vital, as it is what creates the difference between my nail polish lasting 2 weeks rather than 2 days.

I think these nails are perfect for the colder months, but even so the colours could be substituted for pastels and brights in the spring and summer. I find that this is a really simple nail look to do for the less confident, however, it still looks moderately detailed and is more fun then a plain colour.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe even try this design out yourself! Be sure to check out my previous nail post which was slightly more creative.

Gina x

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